Closed Sealed Subwoofer Box Equations Formulas Design Calculator

Low Frequency Enclosures - Car Audio - Home Theater Sound System

Subwoofer Box Comparison Calculator:
Compare bandpass, sealed and vented frequency output graphs
for a subwoofer in one program.


Solve for air density.

air density

Enter Calculator Inputs:

K1 constant (K1)
sound speed in air (c)
system resonance frequency (fc)
maximum air volume displaced by cone excursion (Vd)

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speaker system total Q at fcspeaker system total Q at fc
speaker total Q at fsspeaker total Q at fs

efficiency bandwidth product

efficiency bandwidth productefficiency bandwidth product
speaker resonance frequencyspeaker resonance frequency
speaker electrical Qspeaker electrical Q

system resonance frequency

system resonance frequencysystem resonance frequency
speaker system total Q at fcspeaker system total Q at fc
speaker resonance frequencyspeaker resonance frequency
speaker total Q at fsspeaker total Q at fs

minus three decibel half power frequency

minus three decibel half power frequencyminus three decibel half power frequency
system resonance frequencysystem resonance frequency

net internal box volume

net box internal volumenet box internal volume
air volume with same acoustic compliance as the speaker suspensionair volume with same acoustic compliance as the speaker suspension

free air reference efficiency

free air reference efficiencyfree air reference efficiency
speaker resonance frequencyspeaker resonance frequency
air volume with same acoustic compliance air volume with same acoustic compliance as the speaker suspension
speaker electrical Qspeaker electrical Q

sound pressure level

sound pressure levelsound pressure level
free air reference efficiencyfree air reference efficiency

maximum air volume displaced by cone excursion

maximum air volume displaced by cone excursionmaximum air volume displaced by cone excursion
cone effective radiation areacone effective radiation area
cone peak linear displacementcone peak linear displacement

cone effective radiation area

cone effective radiation areacone effective radiation area
cone diameter plus one third of surroundcone diameter plus one third of surround

K 1 constant

K1 constantK1 constant
air densityair density
system resonance frequencysystem resonance frequency
maximum air volume displaced by cone excursionmaximum air volume displaced by cone excursion
sound speed in airsound speed in air

K2 constant

K2 constantK2 constant
K1 constantK1 constant

Amax constant

Amax constantAmax constant

maximum displacement limited linear power output

maximum displacement limited linear power outputmaximum displacement limited linear power output
K1 constantK1 constant
Amax constantAmax constant

required electrical input to achieve Par

required electrical input to achieve Parrequired electrical input to achieve Par
maximum displacement limited linear power outputmaximum displacement limited linear power output
free air reference efficiencyfree air reference efficiency

peak sound pressure level

peak sound pressure levelpeak sound pressure level
maximum speaker power inputmaximum speaker power input

References - Books:

  • Dickason, Vance. 1991. The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook. Audio Amateur Press. 4th ed.
  • Steele, Brian. 2002. The Subwoofer DIY Page v1.1.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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