Curb Opening Inlet Weir Equations Formulas Design Calculator


Solve for flow depth.

flow depth
Note: equation applies to flow depths up to opening height

Enter Calculator Inputs:

capture flow rate or interception capacity (Qi)
curb opening length (L)
curb opening width (W0)

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curb type gutter
gutter flow rategutter flow rate
Manning's coefficientManning's coefficient
roadway cross sloproadway cross slope
longitudinal slopelongitudinal slope
flow widthflow width
curb opening inlet with weir operation
capture flow rate or interception capacitycapture flow rate or interception capacity
curb opening lengthcurb opening length
curb opening widthcurb opening width
flow depth at curbflow depth at curb
curb opening inlet with weir operation
no depression
capture flow rate or interception capacitycapture flow rate or interception capacity
curb opening lengthcurb opening length
depth of flowdepth of flow
curb opening inlet with orifice operation
capture flow rate or interception capacitycapture flow rate or interception capacity
curb opening areacurb opening area
acceleration of gravityacceleration of gravity
flow depth at curbflow depth at curb
opening heightopening height
gutter opening inlet
capture flow rate or interception capacitycapture flow rate or interception capacity
grate perimetergrate perimeter
flow depthflow depth
slotted pipe drain inlet
pipe length for complete interceptionpipe length for complete interception
flow rateflow rate
longitudinal slopelongitudinal slope
Manning's coefficientManning's coefficient
roadway cross sloperoadway cross slope
gutter capture efficiency
gutter capture efficiencygutter capture efficiency
capture flow ratecapture flow rate
total flow ratetotal flow rate
gutter carryover or bypass
gutter carry overgutter carry over or bypass
total flow ratetotal flow rate
capture flow ratecapture flow rate
Q=gutter flow rate
n=Manning's coefficient
Sx=roadway cross slope
S=longitudinal slope
T=flow width
d=flow depth at curb
a=depressing depth

References - Books:

Martin Wanielista, Robert Kersten and Ron Eaglin. 1997. Hydrology Water Quantity and Quality Control. John Wiley & Sons. 2nd ed.

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By Jimmy Raymond
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