Swimming Pool Water Balance Equations Formulas Calculator

Maintenance Hot Tub Pool Wading

Below are two methods to solve for the Langelier Saturation Index. Method 1 automatically calculates the various factors (temperature, hardness and alkalinity). For method 2, the user will need to manually look up the values from the table and place the values into the calculator.

Method #2
Solving for Langelier Saturation Index.

Langelier saturation index equation
Water Temperature (°F)Temperature Factor (TF)CaCO3 PPMCalcium Hardness (CF)Total Alkalinity PPM CaCO3Alkalinity Factor (AF)

Langelier Saturation Index (SI)Condition
-0.5 < SI <0.5balanced
> 0.5scale forming
over saturated
< 0.5corrosive
under saturated

Enter Calculator Inputs:

temperature factor (TF)
calcium hardness factor (CF)
alkalinity factor (AF)

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Langelier Saturation Index Langelier Saturation Index
ph test kit pH (test kit)
temperature factor temperature factor
calcium hardness factor calcium hardness factor
alkalinity factor alkalinity factor

turnover rate or time turnover rate or time
pool volume or size pool volume or size
pump flow rate pump flow rate

References - Books:

Haan, William D. and Johanningsmeier, Julie S. Swimming Pool Pest Management: A Training Manual for Commercial Pesticide Applicators and Swimming Pool Operators. Kent County Health Department and Michigan State University. Unknown date.


Water balance in swimming pools is crucial for maintaining clear, safe, and comfortable swimming conditions. One standard method to assess water balance is through the Saturation Index (SI), which indicates whether the pool water is corrosive or scaling. Proper water balance ensures that the pool surface and equipment remain in good condition and that swimmers enjoy a pleasant experience. Pool owners can keep their pools in optimal condition by understanding and controlling factors such as pH, temperature, calcium hardness, and alkalinity.


The Saturation Index (SI) is calculated using the formula:

SI = pH + TF + CF + AF - 12.1


  • pH is the measure of how acidic or basic the water is.
  • TF (Temperature Factor) is determined from a lookup table based on the current water temperature in °F.
  • CF (Calcium Hardness Factor) is derived from the calcium hardness level in the pool water.
  • AF (Alkalinity Factor) is based on the water's total alkalinity.

How to Solve

Measure pH: Use a pool test kit to measure the pH level of the pool water.

Determine Temperature Factor (TF): Refer to a standard table to find the TF based on the water's temperature in Fahrenheit.

Calculate Calcium Hardness Factor (CF): Based on the calcium hardness (as (\text{CaCO}_3) ppm), find the corresponding CF value using standard tables.

Determine Alkalinity Factor (AF): Use your pool's total alkalinity to find the AF value, again from a standard reference.

Compute SI: Substitute these values into the equation to solve for the Saturation Index:

SI = pH + TF + CF + AF - 12.1


Consider a pool with the following measurements:

pH: 7.5

Water Temperature: 84°F (TF from table: 0.7)

Calcium Hardness: 150 ppm (CF from table: 1.8)

Alkalinity: 100 ppm (AF from table: 2.0)

Calculating the SI:

SI = 7.5 + 0.7 + 1.8 + 2.0 - 12.1 = -0.1

An SI of -0.1 indicates the water is close to balanced but slightly corrosive.

Fields/Degrees It Is Used In

  • Chemical Engineering: Understanding chemical balances and reactions in water treatment processes.
  • Environmental Science: Evaluating impacts of water chemistry on ecosystems.
  • Public Health: Ensuring safe recreational water environments.
  • Aquatics Management: Managing water quality in public swimming facilities.
  • Civil Engineering: Designing and maintaining water distribution and treatment systems.

Real-Life Applications

  • Residential Pools: Maintaining family pools to ensure safety and longevity.
  • Public Swimming Pools: Balancing water in community pools to meet health regulations.
  • Spa & Wellness Centers: Ensuring hot tubs and spas remain comfortable and clean.
  • Theme Parks: Managing large volumes of water in water rides and attractions.
  • Aquariums: Maintaining appropriate water chemistry for aquatic life.

Common Mistakes

  • Neglecting pH Levels: Overlooking the importance of regular pH testing, leading to imbalanced water.
  • Ignoring Water Temperature: Failing to account for temperature changes that affect TF and overall balance.
  • Misinterpreting Charts: Incorrectly using factor tables, resulting in erroneous SI calculations.
  • Assuming Consistent Chemistry: Not considering that swimming frequency, weather, and pollutants affect water balance.
  • Inadequate Testing Intervals: Testing too infrequently, missing trends of imbalance.

Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

  • Q: What is the ideal range for the Saturation Index?
    A: The ideal SI range is between -0.3 and +0.5. A zero SI value indicates perfectly balanced water, but slight variations within this range are generally acceptable.
  • Q: How often should I calculate the Saturation Index?
    A: It's best to test and calculate SI at least weekly during swimming season or more often if the pool experiences heavy usage or environmental changes.
  • Q: What happens if the SI is too high?
    A: A high SI indicates scaling conditions, leading to excess mineral deposits on pool surfaces and equipment.
  • Q: Can I adjust more than one factor at a time to correct SI?
    A: Yes, but do so carefully. It's often best to adjust one factor, retest, and decide if further adjustments are needed.
  • Q: Is the SI calculation applicable to saltwater pools?
    A: Yes, while saltwater pools have different maintenance needs, the saturation index calculation remains useful for their water balance.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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