Izzard Time Of Concentration Calculator

Watershed Hydrology Equations Formulas


Solve for time of concentration.

time of concentration

Enter Calculator Inputs:

overland flow distance (L)
rainfall intensity (i)
retardance coefficient (cr)
slope (S)

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Izzard formula
time of concentrationtime of concentration
overland flow distanceoverland flow distance
retardance coefficientretardance coefficient
Kerby formula
time of concentrationtime of concentration
flow lengthflow length
retardance roughness coefficientretardance roughness coefficient
Kirpich formula
time of concentrationtime of concentration
travel lengthtravel length
Kinematic wave formula
time of concentrationtime of concentration
overland flow lengthoverland flow length
Manning's overland flow roughness coefficient Manning's overland flow roughness coefficient
rainfall intensityrainfall intensity
average overland flow path slopeaverage overland flow path slope
National Resources Conservation Service
time of concentrationtime of concentration
watershed lag timewatershed lag time

watershed lag timewatershed lag time
watershed hydraulic lengthwatershed hydraulic length
potential watershed storagepotential watershed storage
average watershed slopeaverage watershed slope
Bransby Williams Equation
time of concentrationtime of concentration
channel lengthchannel length
watershed areawatershed area
linear profile slopelinear profile slope

References - Books:

Martin Wanielista, Robert Kersten and Ron Eaglin. 1997. Hydrology Water Quantity and Quality Control. John Wiley & Sons. 2nd ed.


The study of watershed hydrology is essential for understanding and managing the dynamics of water movement within a catchment area or drainage basin. One critical variable in this field is the time of concentration (tc), which represents the time it takes for water to travel from the most remote point of a watershed to a specific outlet. Calculating there is necessary for various water-related projects, from designing drainage systems to predicting flood events.

The Izzard Time of Concentration Equation is a mathematical formula used in hydrology to compute this crucial timing. It is based on inputs such as overland flow distance (L), rainfall intensity (i), retardance coefficient (cr), and slope (S), providing a reliable means of estimating the time required for runoff to reach a point of concentration within a watershed.

Fields/Degrees It Is Used In

  • Civil Engineering: Professionals use the Izzard Equation to optimize stormwater management systems and plan infrastructure to withstand peak runoff events.
  • Environmental Engineering: In this field, the equation helps design erosion control measures and assess how land-use changes affect watershed dynamics.
  • Urban Planning: Planners utilize the calculation of time of concentration to mitigate the impacts of urbanization on natural water courses and to design efficient drainage systems in cities.
  • Water Resource Management: Water resource managers use the Izzard Equation to develop strategies for flood mitigation and river basin planning.
  • Hydrologic Research: Academics and researchers analyze watershed behavior under varying climatic conditions using time of concentration as a core parameter in their studies.

Real-Life Applications

  • Flood Risk Assessment: Engineers and planners determine high-risk areas and design appropriate flood defenses based on time of concentration calculations.
  • Irrigation System Design: Agricultural engineers create irrigation plans that minimize water waste by understanding how water moves through a particular agricultural watershed.
  • Stormwater Facility Sizing: Proper sizing of retention basins, culverts, and other stormwater infrastructure components relies on an accurate time of concentration estimation.
  • Pollutant Load Analysis: Environmental scientists assess potential pollutant loads in streams and rivers following rain events, using time of concentration for accurate predictions.
  • Land Development: Before development, land planners assess the impact of new constructions on local hydrology, which is partly based on time of concentration.

Common Mistakes

  • Incorrect Input Data: Garbage in, garbage out. Erroneous input figures can severely skew the results of the time of concentration computation.
  • Simplification of Complex Watersheds: The Izzard Equation may not account for a particular watershed's complexities, such as multiple flow paths or variable slopes.
  • Misinterpretation of Rainfall Intensity: Utilizing average instead of specific storm event rainfall intensity can significantly affect the time of concentration.
  • Overlooking Watershed Characteristics: Not considering elements like vegetation, land use, and soil type can lead to inaccurate computation of time of concentration.
  • Calculation Errors: Mistakes in the mathematical process, from simple arithmetic to misunderstanding units, are common pitfalls.

Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

  • What is the time of concentration in hydrology?
    The time of concentration is the time needed for water to flow from the most distant point in the watershed to the outlet.
  • Why is it important to calculate the time of concentration?
    It's crucial for designing stormwater and flood control systems, as it impacts the peak discharge calculation during storm events.
  • Can the Izzard Equation be used for any terrain?
    While versatile, it may not be accurate for extremely complex terrains. It is best suited for conditions where the formula's parameters are well-defined and representative.
  • How does slope affect the time of concentration?
    A steeper slope typically results in faster surface runoff and, thus, a shorter time of concentration.
  • Is rainfall intensity or duration more critical when calculating tc?
    Both are important, but rainfall intensity directly influences the equation, whereas duration can affect the accuracy of the predicted peak flow.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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