Stokes Law Equations Formulas Calculator

Fluid Mechanics Hydraulics


Solve for particle diameter.

particle diameter

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viscosity of medium (μ)
fall, settling or terminal velocity (Vt)
acceleration of gravity (g)
density of particle (ρp)
density of medium (ρm)

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terminal, fall or settling velocityterminal, fall or settling velocity
acceleration of gravityacceleration of gravity
particle diameterparticle diameter
density of mediumdensity of medium (e.g. water, air, oil)
particle densityparticle density
viscosity of mediumviscosity of medium

References - Books:

P. Aarne Vesilind, J. Jeffrey Peirce and Ruth F. Weiner. 1994. Environmental Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann. 3rd ed.


Terminal velocity is a fascinating concept in various scientific and engineering fields. It is the maximum velocity a falling object reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it falls prevents further acceleration. Understanding how to calculate terminal velocity is vital for engineers, physicists, and environmental scientists. This detailed guide will elaborate on solving for terminal velocity (Vt) using Stokes' Law, tailored for spherical particles moving through a viscous fluid.

Terminal velocity is crucial in fluid dynamics and applies under conditions where objects reach a constant speed due to the balancing forces of gravity and drag. Stokes' Law provides a way to calculate the terminal velocity of a spherical particle moving through a viscous medium, assuming laminar flow and neglecting buoyancy effects.

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