Sound Wave Equations Calculator

Science Physics Formulas


Solve for Sound Pressure Level SPL

Sound Pressure Level SPL

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sound wave pressure (P)
reference or hearing threshold pressure (Pref)

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sound pressure levelsound pressure level
sound pressuresound pressure
reference pressurereference pressure
sound intensity levelsound intensity level
sound intensitysound intensity
reference intensityreference intensity
intensity at a distance from point sourceintensity at a distance from point source
distance from sound sourcedistance from sound source
power emittedpower emitted
wave frequencywave frequency
wave velocitywave velocity
noise pollution level NPLnoise pollution level NPL
SPL=sound pressure level, decibels (db)
P=sound wave pressure, newtons/meter2
Pref=reference pressure or hearing threshold, newton/meter2
IL=intensity level, decibel (db)
I=sound intensity, watt
I0=reference intensity or least audible sound level, watts
PAV=average power, watt
NPL=noise pollution level, decibel (db)


  • Usually, I0 is set to 10-12 watts
  • Usually, Pref is set to 0.00002 newtons/meter2

References - Books:

  • P. Aarne Vesilind, J. Jeffrey Peirce and Ruth F. Weiner. 1994. Environmental Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann. 3rd ed.
  • Tipler, Paul A.. 1995. Physics For Scientists and Engineers. Worth Publishers. 3rd ed.


Sound Pressure Level (SPL) is an essential concept in acoustics, measuring the sound pressure relative to a reference pressure. It is expressed in decibels (dB), giving a logarithmic measure of the ratio of two pressures. The reference pressure, Pref, is typically taken as 20 micropascals in air, considered the threshold of human hearing.


The formula to calculate the sound pressure level (SPL) is:

Sound Pressure Level SPL equation


  • SPL is the sound pressure level in decibels (dB)
  • P is the actual sound pressure in pascals
  • Pref is the reference sound pressure (20 micropascals)

How to Solve

To solve for SPL:

Measure the actual sound pressure (P) at the point of interest.

Use the reference pressure Pref = 20 x 10-6 pascals.

Plug these values into the SPL formula:

Sound Pressure Level SPL equation


Suppose the measured sound pressure (P) is 0.2 pascals. Calculating SPL:

Sound Pressure Level SPL equation

Fields/Degrees Where It Is Used

  • Acoustical Engineering: Designing audio equipment, soundproofing, and room acoustics.
  • Environmental Science: Monitoring and controlling noise pollution.
  • Automotive Engineering: Designing quieter vehicles and evaluating engine sounds.
  • Audiology: Assessing hearing health and managing hearing aids.
  • Architecture: Incorporating sound considerations in buildings and public spaces.

Real-Life Applications

  • Hearing Aids: Tuning hearing aids to compensate for particular hearing loss levels.
  • Concert Halls: Designing spaces to optimize acoustics for various performances.
  • Sound Level Meters: These are used in environmental assessments to ensure compliance with noise regulations.
  • Home Appliances: Assessing noise levels to meet consumer preferences for quieter products.
  • Workplace Safety: Ensuring that industrial workplaces comply with sound exposure standards to prevent hearing loss.

Common Mistakes

  • Not accounting for environmental factors like temperature or humidity can affect sound measurements.
  • Using incorrect reference pressure not corresponding to the media being measured.
  • Confusing sound pressure with sound power or intensity is a different aspect of sound.
  • Neglecting the calibration of sound-measuring devices leads to inaccurate readings.
  • Rounding off values too early in the calculations can lead to significant errors.

Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

  • What is the reference sound pressure used for SPL, and why?
    The reference sound pressure is 20 x 10-6 pascals, chosen as it represents the threshold of human hearing, below which sound is inaudible to most people.
  • Can SPL be negative?
    Yes, SPL can be negative if the sound pressure is lower than the reference pressure; however, this is typically inaudible to humans.
  • How does temperature affect SPL measurements?
    SPL is less affected, but the speed of sound varies with temperature, potentially affecting measurements involving distance or sound propagation.
  • Why use a logarithmic scale for sound pressure?
    Human perception of loudness is more aligned with a logarithmic scale, making the dB scale a more practical measure of perceived loudness than a linear scale.
  • Is SPL the same underwater?
    The concept is the same, but the reference pressure and the medium's acoustic properties differ, necessitating special considerations in underwater acoustics.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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