Rule of 72 Equations Formulas Calculator

Finance - Compound Interest Investing

The Rule of 72 estimates the years required to double the money invested. It assumes the principal is compounded annually. Note that it is accurate for interest rates below twenty percent.


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years to double investment

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years to double investmentyears to double investment
annual interest rateannual interest rate


One key question investors ask when investing is, "How long will it take to double my investment?" The Rule of 72 provides a simple method to estimate the time in years it takes for an investment to double at a fixed annual interest rate. This rule simplifies the process of determining the doubling time by taking the number 72 and dividing it by the annual interest rate.


The simple formula expresses the Rule of 72:

Time to double = 72 /Interest Rate

The time to double is in years, and the Interest Rate is the annual interest rate expressed as a percentage.

How to Solve

To apply the Rule of 72, follow these steps:

  • Identify the annual interest rate of your investment, expressed as a percentage (not as a decimal). For instance, 8% would be just 8.
  • Divide 72 by the annual interest rate. The result will give an approximate number of years for the investment to double.
  • It's essential to remember that the Rule of 72 is an estimation and works best with interest rates between 6% and 10%.


For example, if you have an investment that earns an 8% annual interest rate, you would calculate the doubling time as follows:

Time to double = 72 / 8 = 9 years

Thus, your investment would take approximately 9 years to double at an 8% annual interest rate.

Fields/Degrees It Is Used In

  • Finance: For financial planners and advisors to give quick estimates to clients on how their investments will grow over time.
  • Economics: For economists to estimate the effects of growth rates on economic variables.
  • Accounting: For accountants to make rough future value calculations.
  • Personal Investing: Individual investors quickly assess the potential of an investment or savings account.
  • Education: In teaching finance and economics concepts to students to help them understand compound interest and investment growth.

Real Life Applications

  • Retirement Planning: Individuals use the rule to estimate how much their retirement savings will grow.
  • Debt Management: To estimate how quickly debt can double if not appropriately managed due to high interest rates.
  • Growing a College Fund: Parents calculate the time it would take for a college fund to double and meet education costs.
  • Business Investment Decisions: Businesses evaluate the time horizon for doubling an initial investment on a new project.
  • Homebuyers: Homebuyers understand how long it will take for their property values to double potentially.

Common Mistakes

  • Applying it to Variable Rates: Using the rule for investments with variable interest rates, where the rate is inconsistent.
  • Misinterpreting the Rule: Thinking that the rule gives the exact time for an investment to double rather than an approximate estimate.
  • Incorrect Rate Percentage: Using the decimal form of the rate (e.g., 0.08 instead of 8) in the equation.
  • Expecting Accuracy with Extreme Rates: Applying the rule to very low or very high interest rates, where it is less accurate.
  • Ignoring Compounding Frequency: Not considering how the frequency of compounding can affect the accuracy of the Rule of 72.

Five Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

  • Does the Rule of 72 work with compound interest?
    Yes, the Rule of 72 is designed explicitly for investments with compound interest, assuming the interest compounds once yearly.
  • Can the Rule of 72 be used for rates below 6% or above 10%?
    While you can use the rule for any rate, it is most accurate for rates between 6% and 10%. Outside this range, the rule becomes less precise and may underestimate or overestimate the time to double.
  • How does the Rule of 72 compare to actual compound interest calculations?
    The Rule of 72 is an approximation and does not consider the specifics of compounding frequency. Exact calculations would use the compound interest formula, which is more complex and specific.
  • Is there a different rule for tripling or quadrupling an investment?
    Yes, for tripling an investment, you can use the Rule of 114, and for quadrupling, the Rule of 144, which are similarly rough guides.
  • Why is the Rule of 72 helpful?
    It provides a quick and easy way to understand the impact of compound interest without the need for complex calculations or financial calculators.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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