Atmospheric Dispersion Calculator

Air Pollution Control Stacks Equation Formulas


Solve for stack heat emisssion rate for subadiabatic conditions.

stack heat emisssion rate for subadiabatic conditions

Enter Calculator Inputs:

average wind speed (u)
plume rise (Δh)
stack gas exit speed (Vs)
stack diameter (d)

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Gaussian plume dispersion model developed by Pasquill
plume contaminant concentration at a point in spaceplume contaminant concentration at a point in space
plume contaminant concentration at ground levelplume contaminant concentration at ground level
contaminant concentration at ground level along contaminant concentration at ground level along
the plume centerline
contaminant concentration at ground level alongcontaminant concentration at ground level along
the plume centerline when the emission source is
at ground level
wind speed at elevation from known wind speed and elevation
wind speed at elevationwind speed at elevation
wind speed at weather stationweather station wind speed
elevation elevation
weather station elevationweather station elevation
stability parameterstability parameter
effective stack height
effective stack heighteffective stack height
physical stack heightphysical stack height
plume rise plume rise
plume rise for superadiabatic conditions
plume rise for superadiabatic conditionsplume rise
stack gas exit speedstack gas exit speed
stack diameterstack diameter
average wind speedaverage wind speed
stack heat emission ratestack heat emission rate
plume rise for neutral stability conditions
plume rise for neutral stability conditionsplume rise
stack gas exit speedstack gas exit speed
stack diameterstack diameter
average wind speedaverage wind speed
stack heat emission ratestack heat emission rate
plume rise for subadiabatic conditions
plume rise for subadiabatic conditionsplume rise
stack gas exit speedstack gas exit speed
stack diameterstack diameter
average wind speedaverage wind speed
stack heat emission ratestack heat emission rate
C=downwind concentration
Q=pollution source emission rate
u=average wind speed
σy=y direction plume standard deviation
σz=z direction plume standard deviation
x=position in the x direction or downwind direction
y=position in the y direction
z=position in the z direction
H=effective stack height

References - Books:

P. Aarne Vesilind, J. Jeffrey Peirce and Ruth F. Weiner. 1994. Environmental Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann. 3rd ed.

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By Jimmy Raymond
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