Darcy's Law Equations Calculator

Fluid Mechanics Hydraulics Design Formulas


Solve for flow rate.

flow rate

Enter Calculator Inputs:

hydraulic conductivity (k)
hydraulic gradient (i)
flow cross section area (A)

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flow rate
flow rateflow rate
hydraulic conductivityhydraulic conductivity
hydraulic gradienthydraulic gradient
flow cross sectional areaflow cross sectional area
hydraulic gradient
hydraulic gradienthydraulic gradient
pressure head at point 1pressure head at point 1
pressure head at point 2pressure head at point 2
length of columnlength of column
seepage velocity
seepage velocityseepage velocity
darcy velocity or fluxdarcy velocity or flux
flow gross cross sectional areaflow gross cross sectional area
length of columnvoids effective cross sectional area
darcy velocity or flux
darcy velocity or fluxdarcy velocity or flux
hydraulic conductivityhydraulic conductivity
hydraulic gradienthydraulic gradient
seepage velocity
seepage velocityseepage velocity
darcy velocity or fluxdarcy velocity or flux
void ratio
void ratiovoid ratio
voids volumevoids volume
solids volumesolids volume
voids volumevoids volume
total volumetotal volume
saturated soil phase diagram
total volumetotal volume
voids volumevoids volume
solids volumesolids volume

References - Books:

Michael D. LaGrega, Phillip L. Buckingham and Jeffery C. Evan. 1994. Hazardous Waste Management. McGraw Hill, Inc.


Darcy's Law is a fundamental principle in fluid mechanics that describes fluid flow through a porous medium. Named after the French engineer Henry Darcy, who first formulated the law in 1856, it has become a cornerstone in hydrogeology, civil engineering, and environmental science, among other fields. The law arises from experiments on water flow through sand columns, leading to a linear relationship between the discharge rate and the hydraulic gradient.

Conclusively, understanding and correctly applying Darcy's Law enables accurate assessments in various engineering and environmental fields. It remains a vital tool in analyzing and predicting fluid flow through porous media.


The equation for Darcy's Law is expressed as:

Q = A x k x i


  • Q is the flow rate (m³/s)
  • A is the cross-sectional area of flow (m²)
  • k is the medium's hydraulic conductivity (m/s)
  • i is the hydraulic gradient (dimensionless)

Darcy's Law states that the fluid flow rate through a porous medium is proportional to the gradient of the hydraulic head.

How to Solve

To solve for the flow rate (Q) using Darcy's Law:

  • Determine Hydraulic Conductivity (k): This measures how easily the fluid can flow through the medium. Units are typically in m/s.
  • Identify the Hydraulic Gradient (i): This is calculated as the difference in hydraulic head over the length of the flow path.
  • Calculate the Cross-sectional Area (A): Determine the area through which fluid is flowing.
  • Apply the Values to the Equation: Multiply these values together to get the flow rate (Q).


Consider a scenario where water flows through a sand column with a hydraulic conductivity (k) of 0.01 m/s, a hydraulic gradient (i) of 0.05, and a cross-sectional area (A) of 0.2 m². Applying these values to Darcy's Law:

Q = A x k x i

Q = 0.2 m² x 0.01 m/s x 0.05

Q = 0.0001 m³/s

Thus, the flow rate (Q) is 0.0001 m³/s or 0.1 liters per second.

Fields/Degrees it is Used In

  • Hydrogeology: Used to model groundwater flow and contamination.
  • Civil Engineering: Important in the design of infrastructure like dams and levees.
  • Environmental Engineering: Key in managing soil and water pollution.
  • Petroleum Engineering: Helps understand the flow of oil through reservoirs.
  • Geotechnical Engineering: Used in soil mechanics and foundation design.

Real-Life Applications

  • Groundwater Management: Estimating the rate of groundwater recharge and discharge.
  • Environmental Remediation: Designing systems to clean contaminated groundwater.
  • Agricultural Drainage: Optimizing sub-surface drainage systems for crop fields.
  • Construction Projects: Assessing the stability of structures like tunnels and retaining walls.
  • Oil Recovery: Enhancing the efficiency of oil extraction processes.

Common Mistakes

  • Incorrect Units: Using inconsistent units can lead to erroneous calculations.
  • Ignoring Anisotropy: Assuming isotropic conditions when the medium is anisotropic.
  • Simplified Assumptions: Neglecting factors like transient conditions and non-laminar flows.
  • Boundary Conditions Misinterpretation: Incorrectly defining the boundaries of the flow system.
  • Error in Porosity Estimation: Miscalculating porosity affects the effective flow area.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is Darcy's Law used for?
    A: Darcy's Law determines the flow rate of fluids through porous media in various engineering and environmental applications.
  • Q: Can Darcy's Law be applied to non-water fluids?
    A: Yes, but fluid properties such as viscosity and density must be considered for different fluids.
  • Q: Is Darcy's Law applicable in all conditions?
    A: While versatile, Darcy's Law primarily applies to laminar flow in porous media and may not be valid for turbulent flows or highly heterogeneous media.
  • Q: How does hydraulic conductivity vary with soil type?
    A: Due to larger pore spaces, hydraulic conductivity is higher in coarse-grained soils like gravel and sand than in fine-grained soils like clay.
  • Q: What influence does the hydraulic gradient have on the flow rate?
    A: The hydraulic gradient directly influences the flow rate; higher gradients result in higher flow rates, assuming constant conductivity and area.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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