Heat Index Equations Formulas Calculator

Weather - Temperature - Heat Stroke Cramps Exhaustion - Medical

Solving for heat index.
heat index equation using ambient dry bulb temperature and relative humidity
-6.83783 x 10-3
-5.481717 x 10-2
-1.22874 x 10-3
8.5282 x 10-4
-1.99 x 10-6
The equation requires the temperature to be greater than 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the relative humidify to be above 40 percent. The equation approximates the heat index to within plus or minus 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit.


dry bulb temperature (T)
relative humidity (R)

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dry bulb temperature (T)
= 0
= 0
relative humidity (R)
= 0
= 0


heat index (HI) = NOT CALCULATED

Other Units:

Physical Effect To Humans
80 to 90 °F 80 to 90 °C caution
Possible fatigue.
Physical activity could lead to heat cramps.
90 to 105 °F 80 to 90 °C extreme caution
Possible heat cramps and exhaustion.
Physical activity could lead to heat stroke.
105 to 130 °F 80 to 90 °C danger
Likely heat cramps and exhaustion.
Probable heat stroke.
above 130 °F 80 to 90 °C extreme danger
Imminent heat stroke.


Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Heat Index. 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_index.
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